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08 6444 1784


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How Long do Solar Panels Last?

Solar panels contain photovoltaic cells that absorb sunlight energy and convert it into solar energy which in turn can be used as electricity to run electrical gadgets in households or commercial buildings. By installing solar panels at homes, they can generate electricity to run electrical systems including electric appliances, lighting, and water heating systems. Solar panels are a cost-effective, clean, and renewable source of energy.
Solar panels are reliable and are a long-term solution to a greener planet. Solar panels can last between twenty-five and thirty years if they are maintained and cared for properly. This does not mean that solar panels will expire after a certain time period, but it will need regular maintenance so you can maximise the energy output by the solar panels.

How to make solar panels last longer?

There are a number of things you can do to make your solar panels last longer. Let’s look at them one by one.

1. Maintenance

It is essential to take care of the solar panel system regularly. If you would like to more about the maintenance and cleaning of solar panels, head over to our blogpost The Need for Timely Maintenance and Cleaning of Solar Panels to know more.

 2. Replace Inverters and Batteries from time to time

The lifespan of Inverters (ten to fifteen years) and batteries are different to that of a solar panel, so they may need more maintenance or replacement at some point. It is crucial to check up on that aspect to maintain the efficiency of the energy output.

 3. Regular cleaning of Panels

Debris is the biggest problem with panels. Roof top solar panel systems may collect debris (dry leaves or dirt) on the glass of the panels. It is vital to remove debris from time to time or even daily to let the panels attract as much sunlight as possible.

4. Promising Solar Panel System Provider

The fourth is the prime aspect of making a solar panel system last longer than usual. You have to choose a promising provider, so that they help you get high quality equipment with warranty (inverters, batteries, solar panels etc). Choose a provider who can help you with the maintenance and do regular check-ups on the equipment and electrical work.

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane provides guidance about rooftop solar panel system for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of the surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business.
Install your dream solar panels with Tanway Engineering. Call us now to know more!

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Why Should You Go Solar? 6 Reasons to Go Solar! 

So why should you go solar? Here are six reasons for you to go solar right now!

  1.      Greener Planet

The first and foremost reason you should go solar is that you will be contributing to a greener planet. Solar energy is clean and a renewable source of energy. The environmental benefits we receive upon switching to solar energy is tremendous. The conventional electrical sector causes air pollution, global warming and creates carbon emissions unlike solar panels. By converting to solar energy, you will be reducing your part in the increasing carbon footprints. This establishes a social responsibility and commitment you have towards our environment.

2.     Pay Less, Save More!

Yes, you read that right. Pay Less, Save More! The blunt truth is that solar panels are expensive. But think of them as an investment, because the benefits of installing a solar panel system at your residence or at a business/commercial property is going to definitely save more money in the long run. You can also find fancy financing options to fund your new solar panel systems.

The installation of solar energy systems can cut out your electricity bills and expect no more sudden price hikes. Once the system is setup, you are independent from the grid, and your energy is being produced for free at your own property. It also has reduced operational costs. With the right maintenance for your solar panels, you will not need to pay for your electricity for a decade or two.

3.      Increased Property value

Installing solar panels to your residence or business/commercial property dramatically increases its property value. So that is one big assured benefit for when you are in a situation to sell your property.

4.     Versatile and Guaranteed life long

Solar panels are versatile. You can make the solar panel system fit your needs very effortlessly. The size and location of the panels can be suited toyour residence or business or commercial property. The only condition being, there should be access to sunlight.

Solar panel systems, as mentioned in our previous blog posts, needs very little though thorough maintenance. Most solar panels have a 25-year warranty, which easily can exceed to a life time is given the right maintenance. So, you are investing in a life long guaranteed product!

5.     Local Economy and Entrepreneurship

While more and more people are switching to solar energy, it creates a ripple effect in the solar energy sector’s economy. It creates more jobs and when the sector employs more local people it boosts the local economy. Hence it supports many upcoming entrepreneurs in the solar energy sector.

6.      Self-reliance, freedom from power grid

Last but the least, by switching to solar power, there is a growth of self-reliance. You are in control of the energy production and usage at your property. There is a freedom from the power grid, and by being self-sufficient you are contributing a lot to the environment.

So, solar? Do you want to switch to solar power?

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane provides guidance about rooftop solar panel system for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business.

Install your dream solar panels with Tanway Engineering. Call us now to know more!

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4 Tips for Choosing a Solar Installer!

If you have landed on this page, it means you have decided to go green! Great, so here is our expert tips for choosing the best solar installer for your home! Choose right!

1.      Solar Installers should be Accredited!

It is essential to choose the best professional installer to solve all your solar related problems. Selecting an accredited installer definitely benefits you in several ways. The expert will be able to make you understand the needs, the problems and the solutions to them. Make sure you choose clean energy council accredited installers so they guarantee safety, performance and reliability to the equipment they install. They can provide you with enough information and clear all your doubts, queries and so on. So, make sure the solar installers are accredited!

2.   Choose Locally Owned & Operated Installers!

Usually we choose brands or services because they are internationally available. However, in the case of solar panel systems, you should choose locally owned and operated installers. You may ask, “why?”. Well, for one, local people are more likely to know your surroundings, they can work well within that range with expert knowledge. They know what the weather is like, and how electric grids work and will most definitely guide you on the regulations related to installing a new solar panel system at your home. Additionally, if you do need somebody to checkup on the system from time to time, a local installer will more likely visit you sooner. Finally, when you choose regionally owned installers, you are helping the local economy.

3.   Check Company Review! Good or Bad?

Most of the times, company reviews can be found on google review section. Take your time to read through them and make sure the company is trustworthy. Customer reviews and testimonials cannot be trusted at all times; however, this can give you a little background on the company’s work process and their quality output. So, beware of both good and bad reviews! Make sure you talk about this with your installers’ team, before you agree to a final quote.

4.   Do they provide warranty for parts?

Last but not the least, you should be aware of the warranty of the equipment installed at your home. All types of solar panel systems (both commercial and residential) certainly have years of warranty. Talk to your installer and choose the equipment that has sufficient warranty periods. Make sure to ask them regarding the extra services they offer (for example: maintenance) after installing the system.

Easy enough right? Have you decided your best fit solar panel installer?

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane provides guidance about rooftop solar panel system for Commercial/Residential/Business places. Our expert team will visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems (with over 10 years warranty) with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business.

Install your dream solar panels withexperienced and licensed professionals from Tanway Engineering. Call us now to know more!

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Top 5 Questions Homeowners Should Ask a Solar Power Company!

Choosing a solar installer can be a stressful task! We are back again with more expert tips to choose the best solar installer for your home! So, what exactly should you ask your solar company? Let’s seeâ€Ķ

1. Can I know more about you?

The first and foremost thing you should do is enquire about the solar company! If you are talking to a team member, then ask them for a brief history of the company, their experience and services. Don’t forget to ask to ask them, where their main office and branches are located. And then finally, visit one of the closest offices, so that you get an idea of how they work. Do not forget to collect as much information, in the form of newsletters, brochures or even their website link, so you can do some homework on them.

2. What are your reviews like?

Once you feel like you have chosen the right solar installer, research their reviews on google and other social media platforms. This will let you know what their customer feels about their services and where all they extend their services. Be prepared for bad reviews, every company has its own ups and downs. However, customer testimonials are essential to get a feel of the services.

3. Is the solar equipment of good quality?

Now, coming to more technical things, EQUIPMENT! Solar equipment, including solar panels, batteries, inverters are all extremely expensive, so you must ensure you are buying the high-quality ones that have a long life. Most solar panel equipment now come with at least 10-15 years of warranty. Make sure you get the paper work done for this. Recheck the warranty policies and be sure to clear all your doubts before signing the contract. Make sure to take advice about equipment, only after the solar installer has visited your residence or business place.

4. What are the costs?

Sure, solar panel systems are going to be expensive, nevertheless it’s a lifelong investment. Ask for a detailed summary of all the financial expenditure in the installation of solar panels, just to be aware of the hidden charges! Most importantly, ask them if they will pay a visit to your residence or business place, before confirming the type, size and cost of the solar panels.

5. What benefits do you offer, if I choose your business?

And the last but most expected question is, “What benefits do I get?”. They may provide maintenance service for a specified period for free or for a discounted price. So be sure to ask! Also, do ask them if they are ready to pay regular visits, to check on the system or in the case of some sort of power shutdown.

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane provides guidance about rooftop solar panel system for Commercial/Residential/Business places. Our expert team will visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems (with over 10 years warranty) with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business.

Install your dream solar panels with experienced and licensed professionals from Tanway Engineering. Call us now to know more!

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How Reliable are Solar Panels?

With the on-going climate change, rocketing fuel prices, and depleting fossil fuels, more and more of the world is switching to green technology, to be eco-friendly. Thus, the solar panel industry is attracting a lot more customers and positive responses now than ever. So solar panels are highly reliable. Here are five best reasons why!

1.  Long Lifespan

As we have seen on our previous blog posts, solar panels prove to have a long-life span. once you install the solar panel system, it will last up to twenty-five years producing consistent electric power given the right environmental factors. The installation of solar panels can cut back on all your electricity bills for the said time period. Additionally, they can be great backup to when there are power cuts (that is if you are still, connected to the power grid).

2. Warranty

In additional to solar panels being a life long investment, solar panel installers give you a warranty for all the equipment that comes with the installation. The photovoltaic panels, batteries and inverters all come with different warranty periods, so if there is any fault (which is very unusual), your installers will be able to replace the equipment free of charge!

3. Little Maintenance

Compared to other forms of energy production methods, solar panel systems need little or no maintenance. Once they are installed, they can do their own work, while you get regular power to run your electrical appliances throughout the day. You might need to do a checkup, to see that they are in perfect condition, once a year or so, but other than that, they will do all the work for you!

4. Efficiency

The working of a solar panel system, is very efficient. They do not need any external input once the set up in finished. They use sunlight to convert it into electric power, hence it is an automatic process. It is a bug plus if you live in really dry climate or weather, increasing your energy production.

5. Trustworthy Professional Installers

The last and the most important factor is to choose the right solar installers. You must choose an experienced team of working professionals to take care of your needs. If they are a clean energy council accredited installer, like us, its better. These approved installers will make sure they choose the right kind of equipment – perfect kind and size of panels, inverters, batteries etc. – and give you successful advice on the installation of solar panel systems suitable to your location (whether it is residential or commercial environment).

Apart from these reasons, solar panels are renewable sources of energy, thus protecting the environment. By switching to solar energy, you will reduce your carbon footprint and emissions. You will play no part in depleting the fossil fuels. The enhanced technology gives you more benefits than you can count thus greater reliability.

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane provides guidance about rooftop solar panel system for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business. Contact us now to know more!

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How Going Solar Helps the Environment & Public Health

The idea of switching to green energy sources are becoming more and more popular. While there are a wide range of benefits of choosing solar over other sources of energy, going solar helps the environment and public health greatly. Here is how!

Reduce Air & Water Pollution

Solar energy has proved to significantly reduce the amount of harmful pollutants let into the air. Toxic chemicals such as Nitrous Oxide and Sulphur dioxide are restricted into the atmosphere by choosing solar energy. Most electricity producing mechanisms, unlike solar, need water in some stages, by which it is polluted with unknown materials, and is let out into a larger water resources, polluting it. It is also essential to consider that solar energy does not produce any toxic waste that needs disposing like nuclear power plants. Reduced air and water pollution directly contribute to improved health in public as they will have access to good quality air and water thus eliminating respiratory and digestive illness.

Helps Fight Climate Change

As we all know, the emissions of greenhouse gases contribute largely to climate change. The rising of greenhouse gases contributes to an increased global temperature, which leads to climate change. By switching to solar energy, there is a decrease in the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide emissions. The drastic effect of climate change has not only impacted the livelihoods of people but also that of flora and fauna.

Cuts Strain on the Usage of Fossil Fuels

Over the past few decades, we have been faced with the issue of fossil fuel depletion. While the depletion of natural resources is one major problem yet to tackle, the usage/ burning of fossil fuels also lets out harmful gases that add to the greenhouse gas effect. For example, as a result of burning fossil fuels, methane is released into the air, which is a much more harmful chemical than CO2 adding to the greenhouse gas effect. When we choose green energy such as solar energy it reduces the stain on non-renewable sources of energy such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

In Conclusion, choosing alternative forms of energy production and consumption largely reduces our reliance of natural resources and positively impacts our environment. Solar energy is a good way to start!

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane provides guidance about rooftop solar panel system for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business. Contact us now to know more!

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What Should You Know Before Adding Solar Panels to an Existing System? 

What Should You Know Before Adding Solar Panels to an Existing System? 

Upgrading your solar panel system can be a complicated procedure. That’s why you should know all the details to make an informed decision about your energy needs and production.

Energy Needs 

The first reason for you to expand your solar panel system is that your current system is not giving you enough power output that your home or office needs. At this point, it is wise to determine how much energy is needed for your space daily and then decide on how many more solar panels must be additionally installed in the existing system. Energy needs may vary for everyone, and they may increase over time. Adding more solar panels can increase your power output and fulfil your energy needs.

Space for New Solar Panels 

Checking for a suitable and adequate space is a must when adding solar panels to a current system. If you have a rooftop solar panel system, it is better to ensure, that the roof has the strength to hold the weight of the additional solar panels. In simple words, the roof must be strong enough, with a considerable amount of free space! So, what if your roof does not have enough space for new solar panels? you can always choose free-standing solar panels or ground mounted solar panels which have their advantages and disadvantages.

Equipment Compatibility during Upgrades 

Solar Panel: While introducing new solar panels, it is essential to check if they are compatible with the current system. It is best to choose the same or a similar brand to the existing solar panel systems to avoid any technical difficulties. On that note, do not forget to get a maintenance check of the old system while the new ones are being installed. Do check all equipment and the wiring to ensure maximum efficiency.

Inverter: One main thing to keep in mind is that inverters may need to be upgraded when you are adding more panels to the current system. When your solar panel systems are upgraded, the entire system produces much more electrical power where the inverter has to convert more Direct current (DC) into Alternative Current (AC) for your use. You should make sure the inverter can do this to reduce energy loss. So, what are the options? If your original inverter cannot handle the capacity, you can install a new inverter so that all the power is converter through one inverter. You also can install a new inverter for the new solar panels alone, which means you will need new set of batteries and wiring systems. So, you will have two inverters for your entire system.

Permit: When you are adding more solar panels to your current system, you must make sure you have the necessary documentation for it. You must have the permit and interconnection application within the regional area, with clear specifications such as the number of panels, inverter capacity details, energy output. The one thing to note here is that you may not be eligible for the same tax credits as before. Your solar installer will provide you with a clearer picture.

Would you like to add solar panels to your existing system? Do it now with us! Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane guides rooftop solar panel systems for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business. Contact us now to know more!

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New Solar Power Technologies & Innovations to Watch Out for!

The future of renewable energy is solar power. More sooner than later solar power will be the highest used energy resource in the world and will be embraced by all developed and developing Nations. According to sources, solar energy could increase by 6500 percent in the next 30 years.
Solar energy production methods are always evolving, as we find new ways to maximize the efficiency of existing solar panels, experts are also on the lookout for new solar technologies to incorporate into our lives. Here are the top 5 solar technologies you should watch out for!

Floatovoltaics – floating Solar Farms

Floatovoltaics, also known as floating solar farms are photovoltaic solar power systems created for floating on reservoirs dams, and other water bodies that will manifest solar power to cater to the modern power requirements of society. These photovoltaic panels are made from silicon and silicon is getting cheaper and more available in the market. This is going to be one of the most desired and reliable sources of energy. solar forms can generate huge amounts of electricity without encroaching upon the land resources that are available and can be done with very low real estate costs. These panels also come with the advantage of conserving water bodies by reducing evaporation also helping us to keep our water sources stable and usable.

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV)

Building-integrated photovoltaics is almost self-explanatory considering its name. This type of solar power system is integrated into the architecture in the form of roofs, canopies, curtains, walls, facades, and skylight systems. This form of a solar panel is more aesthetically pleasing than traditional solar panels that are just used to harvest energy. BIPV can add a decorative element to your housing or industrial buildings while also reducing the consumption of non-renewable energy sources. Another advantage to this type of power system is that it will reduce your normal building raw materials cutting the cost almost in half.

Solar Fabric

This is one of the most innovative, accessible, and mobile ways of generating your energy from solar power. I’m sure the term solar fabric has had you guessing. This is a fabric developed into clothing that can harvest solar energy while you wear them and are on the move. This innovative technology can easily change the way how we see power requirements during travel. Researchers are developing solar fabrics by integrating solar power into each fiber of the clothing. Using this technique solar filaments will be embedded into your t-shirt, jeans, winter coats, and all the clothing of your choice making yourself a walking Power Bank.

Photovoltaic solar noise barriers 

Noise barriers have been constructed to efficiently block out the noise from disturbing the civilization around. The United States department of energy is evolving by using solar power generating panels to replace these noise barriers which provide a return of investment by being able to generate power that is required to run everything traffic-related and beyond. Right now, these noise barriers are producing enough electricity to power over 37000 homes as an average estimate. The future of sustainable power has never looked this bright.

Solar Skins

The best way to describe solar skins is by saying these are custom design solar film panels that are intended to display a certain image like an advertising banner that also filters the sunlight and produces solar power simultaneously. The concept may be a bit tough to wrap your heads around but this might be the single most used solar product in the coming years. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is working on increasing the efficiency of these solar film skins by working on the light filtration and energy harvesting features.

The century-old question that has puzzled humanity regarding renewable and sustainable power sources for mankind to share is very likely to be solved in the coming years. As solar power becomes cheaper it will be adopted by more and more governments across the world. The private sector will start to catch up to the trend by becoming its provider of power. People who are interested to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to modern technology are already investing in it.

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane guides rooftop solar panel systems for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business. Contact us now to know more!

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Top 10 Solar Energy Myths Debunked!

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane guides rooftop solar panel systems for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business. Contact us now to know more!

Here are the top 10 solar energy myths debunked!

       1.  Solar power only works during the day

Well, this is not a myth, to be honest. Solar panels can only absorb sunlight during the day to generate electricity. But that does not mean that they won’t be able to provide you with electrical power during the night. So, the energy is produced in the daylight, which is then stored to be used after sundown.

      2.  Solar power does not work on a cloudy day

It is well known that on a cloudy day, we do not get high sunlight but it does not block the entire sun either. Even with the clouds, the solar system will continue to produce solar energy, but at a lower energy generation rate. This means that you will still get 10 to 25 percent of regular energy production on a cloudy day.

      3. Solar Energy is too expensive

As we have explored in our previous topics, solar panels are expensive but it brings a long-term benefit of cutting down big bills once it is installed. It is a great return on investment with great and consistent performance. So, solar energy can’t be too expensive. Did you know? It is much cheaper to produce electricity from solar than coal!

      4.   Solar panels damage your roof

Installing a rooftop solar panel system can be an intricate process bearing in mind the quality and strength of the roof. A very crucial process is checking and inspecting the roof strength before the solar panels are installed. A variety of solar panels are available in the market to match the type of roof you own. And if the roof cannot hold any of those, a standing or erected solar panel system is always an option.

        5.   Solar panels need a lot of maintenance

Once the solar panels are installed on your property, it needs very little maintenance. You would just need to remove dust or debris occasionally and clean the panels with water, because that debris may be affecting the amount of sunlight on the panels, which in turn affects your energy production. They can withstand hard climates. Read more about solar panel maintenance inour blog post “The Need for Timely Maintenance and Cleaning of Solar Panels”

         6.       Solar systems have power during grid outages

Solar systems have power during grid outages only if they own a storage system. By default, the solar panel system will shut down when an outage occurs. This is mainly for safety purposes.

         7.   Solar panels can’t be recycled

First of all, there is very little solar waste created as solar panels have a long life and vast durability. Most solar panels are made of silicon crystalline photovoltaic cells within a polymer material covered by tempered glass and an aluminium frame. There aren’t any toxic chemicals in them. More and more solar waste recycling units are popping up throughout the world so surely there is a way to recycle them.

       8.  Reselling homes is difficult when you have installed solar systems

This is a 100 percent myth. Quite the opposite. When you add a solar system to your property, you are increasing the property valve. This can be a great investment in many different views.  These properties will also sell faster, as the buyers also think of them as a great future investment.

      9.   Excess energy can be stored using batteries

Technically you can’t monitor this. Your system produces the energy during the day and is stored on the battery. And at night, you use up the energy stored, and the cycle repeats. Ad if you produce more energy than you need it goes back to the power grid, but you will have a low electricity bill if you are connected to the grid.

      10.  It won’t last long!

An average solar panel system can work with full power for 25 years. All it needs is a little maintenance and care.

Have you heard of any other solar energy myths? Tell us in the comments below and we’ll present the facts for you!

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Is it worth installing home solar panels in Perth? (2022 Guide)

Installing solar anywhere comes with numerous benefits. When you go solar, you switch to using a renewable source of energy, with that you contribute to a greener planet by reducing your carbon footprint. Fitting a solar panel system on your property means that you are saving up on your energy bills, earning by providing excess energy to the grid. And this lasts for a lifetime, bringing you the best returns on your investment.

Let us just take a moment and see the solar statistics in Australia. Australia has installed over 40 million solar panel systems and 21 percent of electricity produced comes from renewable resources including solar power. Around 20 percent of Australian homes are equipped with solar panels un till the year 2020, saving electricity costs up to 600 dollars every year.

One of the prime factors needed for solar systems to produce electrical energy is great sunshine. This is best part of owning solar homes in Perth because, Perth is the sunniest state in Australia getting an average of 8.8 hours of sunshine according to meteorology data.

As a solar system investor, there’s more than 1 way to financially benefit from it.The first way is the most obvious, you consume all the electricity produced from it within your home, by using your appliances. This will cut your electricity bill right from the get go. Also, this method works best when you can be sustainable with your solar output to fulfil all your power needs. At some point, your solar panels will be producing electricity but there’s no appliance to make use of it. That’s when you’ll need a battery pack to store the excess for later use or sell the excess to your power grid, that brings us to the 2nd method.

Using net-metering schemes you will be able to sell electricity produced by your solar system back to your power grid. And they will adjust this power with your usage from the grid. Australia now provides between 3 and 8 cents per kilowatt-hour of energy you give to the grid. And this may even rise up to 10 cents per kilowatt-hour of energy in the future.

The other method to benefit from a solar system is by making use of government rebates. Governments around the world and in Australia have been subsidizing solar investments. This is to encourage mass adaption of the technology and toward a greener source of power generation. Talk to your local municipality on how to avail of this benefit.

As more and more Australian homes install solar panel systems, solar panels prices have decreased greatly. You can expect to implement a solar system with an average budget of 5000 dollars on your property. It is also vital to note here that; your property is valued at a greater price if you have a roof top solar panel system installed. This can increase your property value by 6 times the price of your installed solar panel system.

So, this is probably the best time to install residential or commercial solar systems on your property to cut out on energy bills, boost your property’s market valve, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane guides rooftop solar panel systems for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of your surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business. Contact us now to know more!