How Long do Solar Panels Last?
Solar panels contain photovoltaic cells that absorb sunlight energy and convert it into solar energy which in turn can be used as electricity to run electrical gadgets in households or commercial buildings. By installing solar panels at homes, they can generate electricity to run electrical systems including electric appliances, lighting, and water heating systems. Solar panels are a cost-effective, clean, and renewable source of energy.
Solar panels are reliable and are a long-term solution to a greener planet. Solar panels can last between twenty-five and thirty years if they are maintained and cared for properly. This does not mean that solar panels will expire after a certain time period, but it will need regular maintenance so you can maximise the energy output by the solar panels.
How to make solar panels last longer?
There are a number of things you can do to make your solar panels last longer. Letâs look at them one by one.
1. Maintenance
It is essential to take care of the solar panel system regularly. If you would like to more about the maintenance and cleaning of solar panels, head over to our blogpost The Need for Timely Maintenance and Cleaning of Solar Panels to know more.
2. Replace Inverters and Batteries from time to time
The lifespan of Inverters (ten to fifteen years) and batteries are different to that of a solar panel, so they may need more maintenance or replacement at some point. It is crucial to check up on that aspect to maintain the efficiency of the energy output.
3. Regular cleaning of Panels
Debris is the biggest problem with panels. Roof top solar panel systems may collect debris (dry leaves or dirt) on the glass of the panels. It is vital to remove debris from time to time or even daily to let the panels attract as much sunlight as possible.
4. Promising Solar Panel System Provider
The fourth is the prime aspect of making a solar panel system last longer than usual. You have to choose a promising provider, so that they help you get high quality equipment with warranty (inverters, batteries, solar panels etc). Choose a provider who can help you with the maintenance and do regular check-ups on the equipment and electrical work.
Tanway Engineering, a clean energy council accredited installer, operating in Perth/Brisbane provides guidance about rooftop solar panel system for Commercial/Residential/Business places. We visit your place to get an understanding of the surroundings and guide you in selecting the best fit equipment. Tanway Engineering provides photovoltaic solar systems with varying energy outputs that are suitable for your residence or home or business.
Install your dream solar panels with Tanway Engineering. Call us now to know more!